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Stripburger's Dirty Thirty, Slovenia 2023

執筆者の写真: Akinori OishiAkinori Oishi

Aki's short comic is featured on the 30th anniversary issue of Stripburger - ストリップバーガーの30周年記念号に私のコミックが掲載されました。

Stripburger comic magazine from Slovenia - and it is the 30th birthday this year and marking it with a special deluxe book edition, a 300 pages thick comics anthology Stripburger's Dirty Thirty, presenting the history of the magazine through its 30 years and 80 issues. It will collect of a colourful range of Stripburger's comics from 1992—2022 by a bunch of Slovenian and international artists who we also consider as our comics friends.

And it is my honor that Aki short comics is also included – "This is Ink" is published in Stripburger the issue 58 (2012).


Akinori Oishi © 大石暁規 - contact (お問い合わせ) : 

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